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The Concise Sanskrit-English Dictionary

The Concise Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Rs. 245.40 Rs. 245.44

Author: V.S. Apte

Edition: Twelfth Reprint

ISBN: 8120801520

Number Of Pages: 372

Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers

Details: There are in existence no doubt excellent Sanskrit-English dictionaries compiled by eminent scholars like Monier Williams, H.H. Wilson, V.S. Apte and L.R. Vaidya, but their bulkiness and cost prohibit a large number of users from enjoying an advantage so necessary in their study of Sanskrit. There is therefore a crying need for one which supplies everything required by an average reader and which is at the same time characterized by brevity and cheapness. The present compilation is intended to serve this purpose. The author in this handy work has kept out Sanskrit words which are less commonly used and has tried to avoid all technicalities as well as words which can easily be seen as simple derivatives of some given words. Thus he has been able to reduce the bulk of the dictionary without compromising its usefulness.

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